The air pressure in your tires is expressed in a measuring system called pounds per square inch (PSI). What Is PSI and How Do You Determine the Proper Air Pressure? The disadvantage of indirect TPMS is that it only alerts you if one of your tires is running low because each wheel’s sensor must be engaged by movement in order to function properly. In comparison to the other two forms, indirect TPMS is more durable and less prone to failure. Sensors are used to determine if the rotation speed is too slow, and when it is, the tire pressure is too low. Instead of using a sensor on the wheels, Indirect TPMS employs sensors that are positioned on the Anti-Lock Brakes. Sensors installed in the tire valves, which is where the air intake on each wheel leads, could be used in some iterations of this system. The sensors are at risk for wear and tear or damage from tire maintenance or when driving through rough terrain because of their location. This variant is the one that is most commonly found on brand-new vehicles.

When the digital receiver detects that the tire pressure is too low, a signal is delivered to it. In a system equipped with Direct TPMS, each of the vehicle’s four wheels has a sensor. Generally speaking, there are two types of sensors: Direct TPMS You should first check and verify that your tires are correctly inflated. When your chip detects that your tire’s air pressure is 25% below the suggested range, the TPMS light on your dashboard will go on. Its sole purpose is to ensure that each tire has the correct pressure. It is a sensor in the form of a tiny chip that’s put in each of your vehicle’s tires.
Should I Still Use a Manual Pressure Gauge?.